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Sales Associate
New York
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First Name *
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Resume *
Linkedin Profile
Catchafire Profile
Where did you hear about this opportunity? *
In one sentence, why Catchafire? *
Tell us about a time you won someone over to your way of thinking. How did you accomplish this? (150 word limit) *
What is your experience with sales and business development? (150 word limit) *
What about your personality and past experiences make you prepared for the intensity and fast pace of a startup? (150 word limit) *
What was the biggest lesson you learned over the past 6 months? (150 word limit) *
What are you looking for in your next job? What is most important to you? (150 word limit) *
What is/was your GPA? We only take GPA as an indicator of commitment to excellence. Candidates are evaluated based on cultural fit and overall qualifications. *
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